“Samarie Alicea packed her Zerlina with guile and guts. Her humor derived from a sardonic knowingness. “Vedrai, carino”, her second aria, could have been cut had she not sung it so well. She bloomed effortlessly on the connective note leading into the songs heart-pumping final section.” Schmopera, May 2018
“Soprano Samarie Alicea, well remembered from her work with the International Vocal Arts Institute three years ago, not only sang splendidly but demonstrated major chops as a comic actress. Whatever she felt about the Don came across in her mobile face as well as her flexible voice. Her "Batti, batti o bel Masetto" was beautifully sung and had a twist.” Voce di Meche, May 2018
"Thursday’s two standout voices were Samarie Alicea and Kelsey Robertson, respectively El Ayre and El Fuego. Alicea has a soprano like a warm breeze, easily floating, with a consistent caramel tone, and she is an irrepressibly sunny presence on the stage." New York Classical Review, May 2017
"In the role of Air, soprano Samarie Alicea excelled at bringing an immediacy to the material, and sang with a round, focused tone and crisp diction." Zeal NYC, May 2017
"The work ends with Susanna’s enchanting aria “Deh, vieni,” reconceived as a multicultural call to “join hands,” and sung tenderly by the soprano Samarie Alicea. God has blessed us “not with the answers,” she explains, but “with questions and song.” Anthony Tommasini. The New York Times, April 2017
"José Adán Pérez and Samarie Alicea are terrific as Figaro and Susana" Wall Street Journal, April 2017
"his beloved Susana (the bright-voiced, endearing soprano Samarie Alicea)" Anthony Tommasini. The New York Times, March 2016
"One of the other great talent is Samarie Alicea who is a true blessing on the stage. She has a sun shining in her voice and is a very strong actress delivering her entertaining comedy skills. A great Cecilia Bartoli with a Latino flavor characterizes this fantastic singer." The Culture News, March 2016
"Among the gifted performers, Perez and Alicea are lovely and adroitly move between fast-paced lyrics, comedy, and distress" Theater is Easy, March 2016
"Deh vieni, non tardar" is moved to a sort of appendix, serving as an aural dessert and an informal encore for Ms. Alicea". Super-Conductor, March 2016
"The Puerto Rican, Samarie Alicea Feulien, came from New York to participate in the concert where she was enthusiastically acclaimed." Weser Kurier, August 2015